How To Create A Webflow Sitemap & Submit To Google Console (4 Best Practices)

Creating a Webflow sitemap can be daunting. Let NUMI help you go through the process and ensure your content is easily discoverable.

How To Create A Webflow Sitemap & Submit To Google Console (4 Best Practices)

Creating a website can feel overwhelming. You need to think about how to structure your site's content, lay it out visually, and, most importantly, get it ready for SEO. If you're using Webflow, sitemaps will be instrumental in helping you get found on search engines like Google. This article will illustrate the ins and outs of creating, customizing, and submitting a sitemap using Webflow to get your site discovered.

Building a site can be challenging, but you don't have to go at it alone. The Webflow experts at NUMI can help you create a sitemap and prepare it for Webflow SEO so you can focus on creating excellent content.

What Is A Sitemap? What Does Sitemap Do?

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A sitemap is a roadmap of your website that provides an organized structure for all its pages and content. Knowing how users and search engines interact with your site is critical.

What a Sitemap Does

A sitemap outlines the structure of your website, listing all existing pages and their relationships. This hierarchical arrangement makes it easier for search engines and users to navigate your content, ensuring that every critical page is easily accessible.

Search Engine Crawling

Search engines like Google use sitemaps to crawl and index your website efficiently. The sitemap provides them with a comprehensive list of URLs on your site, which helps ensure that all your pages, including those that might be less accessible through internal links, are recognized and indexed by search engines. This is particularly important for SEO, as it influences your website is ranking in search results.

Types of Sitemaps

XML Sitemap

The most common type of sitemap is the XML (Extensible Markup Language) sitemap, specifically designed for search engines. This file lists all the URLs of your website along with additional metadata, such as:

  • When each page was last updated
  • How often does it change
  • Its relative importance compared to other URLs on the site

Search engines use this information to understand your content better and rank it. An XML sitemap is usually found by appending /sitemap.xml to the end of your domain name (e.g.,

HTML Sitemap

While XML sitemaps are intended for search engines, HTML sitemaps are designed for human users. An HTML sitemap is a simple webpage that lists all the key pages on your site, often organized by category. It can help users quickly find their desired content, especially on larger websites.

Sitemap Visualization

Visual Sitemaps

Some tools and websites offer visual sitemaps, which visually represent your site's structure. These can be useful for planning or analyzing the site architecture, helping you see how your pages are interconnected and where improvements can be made.

The Key Elements of an Effective Webflow Sitemap

A successful Webflow sitemap comprises several key elements that make it a valuable SEO tool. This section will explore these elements in detail and understand why they are crucial for your sitemap's effectiveness.

URL Structure

The URLs listed in your sitemap should be clean, descriptive, and follow a logical hierarchy. This makes it easier for users and search engines to navigate your site efficiently.

XML Format

Webflow sitemaps are often provided in XML format. Search engine bots can easily read this format, ensuring they can quickly process the sitemap's contents.

Priority and Frequency

You can assign priority and frequency tags to different URLs in your sitemap. This information guides search engines in determining which pages are more important and how often they should be crawled.

Error-Free Links

A sitemap should only contain valid URLs that lead to functional pages. Broken links can negatively impact your website's:

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XML Sitemap Importance For Webflow SEO

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An XML sitemap plays a crucial role in optimizing Webflow sites for SEO. One of the most critical steps in successful SEO is ensuring that search engines crawl and index your website's most critical pages. For Webflow users, submitting an XML sitemap to search engines is a crucial strategy to achieve this. 

While perfect internal linking, advanced taxonomy, and a well-structured website may allow crawlers to discover all your pages naturally, relying solely on these factors is sometimes foolproof. Mistakes happen, pages might be overlooked, or links might break. The XML sitemap is a source of truth, ensuring that all published pages are accounted for and accessible to search engines.

Keeping Search Engines Updated About New Content

As you create new pages on your Webflow site, search engines must be aware of these updates. An XML sitemap automatically informs search engines about new content, helping to ensure that it gets indexed as quickly as possible. 

This is particularly important for sites that frequently update or add new pages, as it reduces the time it takes for new content to appear in search results.

Helping Search Engines Discover Your Site

Submitting your XML sitemap to search engines via tools like Google Search Console is essential for discovering your website. This submission informs search engines about your site’s existence and gives them a comprehensive list of URLs to crawl. 

For new Webflow sites or those recently undergoing significant changes, submitting an updated sitemap expedites the discovery and indexing process, ensuring your content is quickly visible to users in search results.

Acting as a Backup for Search Engines

Even with a well-structured site, errors in internal linking or missed connections can occur. The XML sitemap is a reliable backup, providing search engines with a complete list of URLs that might be missed. This ensures that no crucial pages are left out of the index, safeguarding your site’s visibility.

XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap is a vital component for maximizing the SEO potential of your Webflow site. It:

  • Ensures that all necessary pages are crawled and indexed by search engines
  • Keeps them up-to-date with new content
  • Helps with the discovery of your site
  • Acts as a safety net for any overlooked URLs

Submitting and updating your XML sitemap regularly strengthens your site's SEO foundation, ultimately improving its visibility and performance in search engine results.

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NUMI is a webflow development agency that world-class webflow developers and product designers power. Backed by Y Combinator, NUMI handles all of your startup's sourcing/vetting/hiring needs for design. Our fabulous design team ensures all your design work is done well. 

NUMI helps with:

  • Product design
  • Web design
  • Framer development
  • Webflow development
  • Mobile design
  • Prototyping
  • UX design
  • All of your startup's design needs

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XML Sitemaps In Webflow: How To Download Webflow Sitemap?

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Automatic Sitemap Generation: The Easiest and Most Efficient Way to Create a Sitemap

For most users, Webflow’s automatic sitemap generation is the easiest and most efficient way to create a sitemap. 

Steps to Generate a Sitemap Automatically

  • Website Settings: Start by navigating to your website’s settings in Webflow.
  • Find the SEO Section: You’ll find a section dedicated to your sitemap under the SEO tab.
  • Enable Automatic Sitemap: Ensure the "Automatic Sitemap" option is turned on. This setting will automatically generate a sitemap for your site.
  • Save Changes and Publish: After confirming the settings, click on "Save Changes." If you made any adjustments, publish your site so the sitemap reflects these updates.

Now, your sitemap will be automatically created and accessed by visiting the URL []/sitemap.xml. This is the standard location where search engines will look for your sitemap.

Manual Sitemap Management: For When You Need More Control

You might need more control over your sitemap, such as adding specific SEO attributes like hreflang or lastmod. In these cases, you can switch to manual sitemap management. 

Steps to Manage Your Sitemap Manually

  • Disable Automatic Sitemap: Go to the same Sitemap section under your SEO settings and turn off the automatic sitemap generation.
  • Edit the Sitemap Manually: Once the automatic feature is disabled, a text field will appear where you can input your custom sitemap code. Here, you can add your own hreflang, last mod, or page priority details. 
  • Manage Page Settings: Within the individual page settings, you can control whether certain pages are excluded from the sitemap or have a no-index tag. Navigate to the page settings, and under the SEO options, you can disable indexing or exclude the page from the sitemap. 
  • Save and Publish: After making your manual adjustments, don’t forget to save your changes and publish the website. Your custom sitemap will now be live at the same URL.

Things to Keep in Mind: Automatic vs. Manual Sitemaps

  • Automatic vs. Manual: The automatic sitemap feature will cover most users' needs. Manual management is only necessary for advanced SEO scenarios and can become complex as your site grows. 
  • Regular Updates: If you’re managing your sitemap manually, you must update it whenever you change your website. This can become time-consuming as your site expands.

Webflow allows you to let the platform handle your sitemap automatically or take full control if your SEO strategy demands it. Whether you’re aiming for simplicity or precision, Webflow has you covered.

Submitting Your Webflow Sitemap To Search Engines

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After launching your Webflow website, submitting your sitemap.xml to search engines like Google is essential to ensure that all your website's pages are properly indexed. Here's how to submit your Webflow sitemap to Google:

Steps to Submit Your Sitemap to Google Search Console

Create a Google Search Console Account

Sign up for a Google Search Console (GSC) account if you haven't already. This tool lets you monitor and maintain your site's presence in Google search results. Go to Google Search Console and log in with your Google account.

Verify Domain Ownership

Before submitting your sitemap, you must verify that you own the domain. This can be done using various methods, such as:

  • DNS verification
  • Uploading an HTML file to your server
  • Using a meta tag

Follow the on-screen instructions to verify your domain. Once verified, you’ll have full access to manage your site within Google Search Console.

Submit Your Sitemap

After verifying your domain, navigate to the Google Search Console dashboard. On the left-hand side, find the Sitemaps section under the Index category. In the Add a new sitemap field, enter your sitemap's URL. 

For Webflow sites, this is typically Click Submit to send your sitemap to Google.

Confirmation and Monitoring

After submission, you'll receive a confirmation message. Below the submission field, you’ll see details about the status of your sitemap, including:

  • The number of discovered pages
  • Any errors

Google will periodically crawl your sitemap to update its index with any new or updated pages.

Why This is Important

Submitting your Webflow sitemap ensures that Google knows all your site’s pages and can effectively index them. This process helps improve your site's visibility in search results and ensures that any new content is quickly added to Google's index. 

Regularly checking the sitemap status in GSC will help you catch and fix any indexing issues, optimizing your site for search engines.

Adding Your Webflow Sitemap To Robots.txt

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Adding a sitemap to the robots.txt file is a simple but essential step in guiding search engine crawlers to your sitemap. The robots.txt file is primarily used to control and restrict access to certain parts of your website, but it can also point crawlers directly to your sitemap, making it easier for them to find and index your site’s content.

How to Add a Sitemap to Robots.txt in Webflow

Follow these steps to add a sitemap to robots.txt in Webflow quickly.

Access Webflow Website Settings

Log in to your Webflow account and navigate to your project dashboard. Select the website you want to edit.

Go to SEO Settings

In the project dashboard, go to the Settings tab. Under the SEO section, scroll down until you find the robots.txt settings.

Edit the Robots.txt File

In the robots.txt text field, you can add directives for crawlers. To specify the location of your sitemap, add the following line:

  • Sitemap:
  • Replace with the actual URL of your sitemap

Save and Publish

After adding the sitemap URL to the robots.txt file, save your changes. Publish your site to ensure the updated robots.txt file is live and accessible to crawlers.

How Adding a Sitemap to Robots.txt Helps SEO

By adding your sitemap location to the robots.txt file, you provide a direct pointer for search engine crawlers, ensuring that they can easily find and index all the pages on your site. This is particularly useful if your website has a complex structure or if there are areas you want to block from being crawled while ensuring that all critical content is indexed. This method aligns with Google’s robots.txt guidelines and can improve the efficiency of how your website is crawled and indexed, contributing positively to your overall SEO efforts.

Related Reading

How To Efficiently Remove Pages From Sitemap In Webflow

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Create a Custom Sitemap to Eliminate Unwanted Webflow Pages

When marketing initiatives ramp up, many pages can auto-generate on your site that you don't want search engines to index. If you're using Webflow to house training content for site visitors, each certificate produced for users who complete the training could be an unwanted page.

Clean Up Sitemap

Removing these pages from your sitemap will help ensure clarity for search engines and users needing help with these orphaned pages. The good news is that you can efficiently remove unwanted pages from a Webflow sitemap by creating your custom sitemap.

You can use online tools like to generate a new XML sitemap for your website. Once the new sitemap is created, remove the pages you don't want included.

Assign a NoIndex Meta Tag to the Unwanted Pages

Creating a custom sitemap is just one step to efficiently removing unwanted pages from your Webflow sitemap. The next step is ensuring search engines don't index these pages. The best way to do this is to assign a noindex meta tag to the head section of the unwanted pages.

Here's the code you need: <meta name="robots" content="noindex">.

To add this to your pages in Webflow, navigate to the Page Settings of the specific page, go to the Custom Code tab, and add the above code in the 'Inside <head> tag' field.

Replace Webflow's Auto-Generated Sitemap with Your Custom Sitemap

Now that you've created a custom sitemap and added the noindex tags to the necessary pages, the final step is to replace the auto-generated sitemap with your custom sitemap.

To do this, go to your project settings in Webflow, navigate to the SEO tab, and turn off the 'Automatically generate sitemap.xml' option. Then, paste the content of your custom sitemap in the 'Sitemap.xml contents' field and save the changes.

Leverage Webflow's Dynamic Pages For Efficient Sitemap Management

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Webflow's Dynamic Pages can be a game-changer for your sitemap management process. Dynamic Pages are template pages populated with content from your Webflow CMS Collections.

Pro tip: you can use Webflow's Dynamic Pages feature to collectively exclude or include a group of similar pages from your sitemap.

1. Create a New Boolean Field in Your CMS Collection

  • Go to your CMS Collection, where the dynamic content for your pages lives. 
  • Add a new field and select the field type as 'Boolean.' This field type allows you to toggle between true and false. You could name this field something like 'Include in Sitemap.'

2. Use Conditional Visibility on Your Collection Page

  • Go to your Collection Page template and add a new HTML Embed component. This will hold your noindex meta tag. 
  • Apply conditional visibility to this component based on the 'Include in Sitemap' field you created. 
  • Set it to be visible only when 'Include in Sitemap' is false. 
  • In the HTML Embed component, add the noindex meta tag: <meta name="robots" content="noindex">.

3. Update Your CMS Items

  • All you need to do is go through your CMS Items and toggle the 'Include in Sitemap' field accordingly. 
  • Set the field to false if you don't want a page included in the sitemap. Webflow automatically adds the no index tag to these pages, effectively removing them from your sitemap.

This allows you to manage your sitemap directly from your CMS, making the process more streamlined and efficient. It's a more advanced technique, but once set up, it can save you a lot of time and effort in the long run.

Integrating Essential Keywords Into Your Webflow Sitemap Strategy

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Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant and high-performing keywords for your industry and niche. Aim for a mix of short-tail and long-tail targets with decent monthly search volumes. Look for keywords that align with your business goals and the interests of your target audience. To get started, use tools like:

  • Ahrefs
  • Moz
  • SEMrush

Optimize Title Tags and Descriptions of Your Webflow Sitemap URLs

Like any other page on your website, Webflow sitemaps have title tags and meta descriptions. While these elements won't directly impact your SEO, they can influence user behavior. 

Optimizing your sitemap URLs' title tags and descriptions with relevant keywords can help boost your SEO efforts. Aim to make these short, compelling, and rich with target keywords.

Organize Your Webflow Sitemap with Subfolders for SEO

Webflow sitemaps can get quite large, especially for complex websites with many pages. To improve the user experience, you can organize your sitemap URLs into subfolders. 

This creates a hierarchy that makes navigating your sitemap easier for users and search engines. You can also include target keywords in the folder names to help boost your SEO. 

Use Anchor Texts to Link Pages Within Your Webflow Sitemap

As with any internal links, you can optimize the links within your Webflow sitemap for SEO. When linking pages within your sitemap, use anchor texts incorporating your target keywords. 

This will help search engines understand the context of the pages and how they relate to one another.

Top 6 Mistakes to Avoid When Implementing Webflow Sitemaps

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1. Keep That Webflow Sitemap Updated

You must update your sitemap regularly to avoid outdated information being presented to search engines, affecting your website's crawlability and rankings.

2. Don't Let Duplicate Content Creep Into Your Sitemap  

Including duplicate URLs in your sitemap can confuse search engines and lead to ranking issues. Ensure each URL is unique and points to the correct page.

3. Avoid Missing Pages in Your Webflow Sitemap

Leaving out essential pages from your sitemap can prevent search engines from indexing them, impacting their visibility in search results.

4. Don't Ignore Error Pages in Your Webflow Sitemap  

Including error pages (e.g., 404 pages) in your sitemap can lead to:

  • A poor user experience 
  • Lower search engine rankings

5. Review the Robots.txt File for Your Webflow Sitemap  

Review your robots.txt file to ensure it allows search engines to crawl the necessary pages. Adjust as needed to ensure that your sitemap aligns with your crawling directives.

6.  Regularly Update Your Webflow Sitemap

If you are using the auto-generated sitemap, ensure it is enabled and republish your site regularly. If you opt for a custom sitemap, update it manually whenever new content is added.

4 Best Webflow Sitemap Best Practices For SEO

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1. Only Include Public-Facing Pages in Your Webflow Sitemap

Your sitemap should only include pages that you want search engines to index. These are typically the pages you want people to find in search results, like:

  • Your homepage
  • Product pages
  • Blog posts
  • Service offerings

Exclude Non-Essential

  • Exclude Non-Essential URLs: If there are pages on your site that aren’t meant for public viewing, such as:
  • Admin pages
  • Thank-you pages
  • Any sensitive content

You can exclude these URLs using the no-index tag and disallow them in your robots.txt file. While search engines might still find and index these pages if they’re linked elsewhere, excluding them from your sitemap signals that they’re not crucial for SEO.

2. Avoid Duplicate Content

Duplicate content can be a real SEO killer, and your sitemap is no exception. If your website has pages with similar or nearly identical content, such as landing pages for different marketing campaigns, you should remove them from your sitemap. 

Pro Tip: For pages that are duplicates or too similar to others, exclude them from your sitemap and add a no-index tag to them. After they've been deindexed, disallow search engines from crawling these pages in your robots.txt file. This prevents confusion and ensures that your primary content receives the SEO focus.

3. Optimize Localization for Multi-Language Sites

If your website targets different geographic regions or languages, localization is crucial. It’s not just about translating your content but also about signaling to search engines which version of your site is meant for which audience. 

Use hreflang Tags

When you create a sitemap for a localized or multi-language site, include hreflang tags. These tags inform search engines about each page's language and geographical targeting, ensuring that users see the correct version of your site based on their location and language preferences. This can significantly improve the user experience and search engine rankings in different regions.

4. Don’t Overlook Dynamic Pages and Ecommerce Optimization

Your sitemap should pay special attention to dynamic pages, such as those generated by user input (e.g., search results or product category pages). 

  • Ensure Dynamic Pages Are Included: Use a sitemap generator tool that can detect all the dynamic pages on your site to ensure they’re included. This is particularly important for e-commerce sites, where dynamic pages can account for a significant portion of your traffic and conversions. 
  • Optimize Your Product Pages: For ecommerce sites, including product pages in your sitemap is essential. Ensure these pages are fully optimized with metadata like product descriptions, prices, and images. This helps search engines understand the content and purpose of each page, which can lead to better visibility in search results.

Are Webflow Sites Good For SEO?

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Webflow sites rank well on search engine results pages (SERPs). This is partly because Webflow sites, like any other sites, can get SEO features, like fast-loading pages, helped by Webflow's:

  • Clean code
  • Responsive design
  • Other customizable features

Responsive Design and Mobile Optimization

Webflow prioritizes responsive design, ensuring that websites are fully optimized for mobile devices. In today’s digital landscape, mobile-friendly websites are crucial for SEO, as search engines like Google prefer websites that provide a seamless experience across all devices. 

Webflow’s built-in tools make creating websites that adapt to various screen sizes easy, positively impacting your search rankings.

Clean & Semantic HTML Markup

One of Webflow’s strengths is its ability to generate clean, semantic HTML code. This is important because well-structured code helps search engine crawlers understand and index your content more effectively. 

By ensuring that your website’s HTML is clear and logically organized, Webflow lays a strong foundation for SEO, improving your site's performance and accessibility.

Custom Metadata & SEO Settings

Webflow provides extensive customization options for critical SEO elements such as:

  • Page titles
  • Meta descriptions
  • Image alt tags

These elements are essential for helping search engines understand the context and relevance of your content. Webflow’s intuitive interface allows you to optimize these on-page SEO factors, improving search engine rankings and increasing organic traffic.

Addressing Common Webflow SEO Misconceptions

Control over URL Structure

There’s a misconception that Webflow limits control over URL structures, which could negatively impact SEO. While Webflow automatically generates clean URLs based on page titles, it allows users to customize URLs according to their SEO strategy. 

To ensure your pages are easily discoverable by search engines, you can create SEO-friendly URLs, use URL redirects, and customize slugs.

Technical SEO Features

Another myth is that Webflow has technical SEO limitations. In reality, Webflow offers robust technical SEO tools, including the ability to manage:

  • Sitemaps
  • Canonical tags
  • Robots.txt files

These features are crucial for optimizing how search engines crawl and index your site, and Webflow provides the tools to implement best practices effectively.

Page Speed

Page speed is a critical factor for SEO, and there have been concerns that Webflow sites may load slowly. Webflow provides several optimization options to improve page speed, such as:

  • Lazy loading for images
  • Code minification

By implementing these features and choosing a reliable hosting provider, you can enhance your website’s performance, leading to:

  • A better user experience
  • Improved SEO rankings

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Subscribe To A Guild of World Class Webflow Developers with Our Webflow Development Agency Today

Webflow SEO is optimizing a site built on the Webflow platform for search engines. Like any other website, Webflow sites must be optimized for SEO to rank well on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Webflow SEO Features

Webflow has several built-in SEO features that make it easy for users to optimize their sites for search engines. Webflow allows users to:

  • Edit meta titles and descriptions
  • Create clean and customizable URLs
  • Set alt text for images
  • Create XML sitemap

The platform also allows for fast loading times, which further boosts SEO

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