All You Need To Know About Webflow Security & Best Practices

Learn about Webflow security and best practices to protect your website. Discover essential tips to ensure your site remains secure.

All You Need To Know About Webflow Security & Best Practices

Are you concerned about keeping your Webflow website secure? Webflow security is vital for protecting your online presence, ensuring a safe user experience, and maintaining a solid online reputation. An insecure website can threaten your search engine rankings, leaving you vulnerable to cyber threats. In this guide, we will explore the importance of Webflow security and provide valuable insights on securing your Webflow website effectively.

Introducing NUMI's solution, Webflow Developers, as a valuable tool to help you achieve your objectives. Webflow Security is a significant aspect of website management, and our solution can ensure that your Webflow websites remain secure, stable, and optimized for performance. Let's dive in and learn more about how to keep your Webflow website secure.

What Is Webflow?

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Webflow has transformed the web development process by avoiding the expensive and complex past methods of website building while also removing the limitations of more straightforward drag-and-drop website builder tools. Webflow offers fast hosting and robust security in a web design platform that requires no or minimal coding. 

Since its inception, Webflow has helped over 3,500,000 designers and customers build and host smooth, beautiful websites without excessive hours of grueling coding where mistakes are difficult to identify. The all-in-one platform offers a complete service to establish a successful website from scratch, including CMS, hosting, and drag-and-drop designing. Webflow's responsive design capabilities ensure that websites look great and function smoothly on any device, which is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in today’s mobile-first world. 

The built-in SEO tools and dynamic content management further empower these companies to stay agile and adaptive, responding quickly to market trends and customer needs. This combination of features supports website creation and its evolution, aligning perfectly with the growth trajectories and digital strategies of modern, forward-thinking companies. One of the critical advantages of Webflow is its user-friendly interface. Individuals with minimal web development skills can easily design attractive and functional websites.

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The Importance Of Website Security

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All websites worldwide are vulnerable to cybercrime. However, the stronger your web security, the less likely it is to suffer from DDoS, Phishing Attacks, Malware, SQL, and other cyber attacks. Verizon’s 2022 data breach report claims that 43% of cyberattacks target new and small businesses because they tend to overlook web security.

Regarding website security, understanding the significance of robust measures is essential to safeguarding sensitive data and building trust with visitors. Let us know the importance of maintaining optimum website health, highlighting the impact on user experience and brand reputation:

Data Protection

In an age of rampant data breaches, website security shields valuable user data from cybercriminals. SSL encryption ensures data transmitted between the user's browser and the server remains encrypted and secure, preventing interception and unauthorized access.

User Trust

A secure website inspires confidence in visitors, reassuring them that their interactions and transactions are safe. Secure websites often display trust indicators, such as SSL padlocks and trust seals, which signal reliability and encourage users to share sensitive information without hesitation.

Reputation Management

A security breach can have severe repercussions on your brand's image. News of a compromised website can spread quickly, leading to customer loss and a tarnished reputation. A secure website conveys professionalism and a commitment to protecting user interests.

SEO Ranking

Search engines prioritize user experience and security. Secure websites receive a ranking boost, leading to higher positions in search results. Improved SEO visibility attracts more organic traffic, contributing to better brand exposure and potential growth.

Business Continuity

Downtime due to a cyberattack or security incident can disrupt business operations and lead to revenue losses. Robust security measures, including regular backups and DDoS protection, ensure uninterrupted service, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. A secure website assures clients that their transactions and interactions with your business will proceed without any hiccups.

NUMI: A World Class Webflow Development Agency

NUMI is a webflow development agency that world-class webflow developers and product designers power. Backed by Y Combinator, NUMI handles your startup's sourcing, vetting, and hiring design needs. 

Our fabulous design team ensures that all your design work is done well. NUMI helps with product design, web design, Framer development, Webflow development, mobile design, prototyping, UX design, and all your startup's design needs! Subscribe to a guild of world-class designers who are ready to embed on your team today. Schedule a call with us today to learn more!

How Secure Is Webflow?

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Webflow is known for its commitment to website security. It offers a robust foundation to protect its users' digital assets. The platform implements industry-standard security protocols to safeguard websites against potential threats. SSL encryption is provided to ensure that data transmitted between the server and visitors remains encrypted and secure. 

In addition to SSL encryption, Webflow regularly updates its infrastructure to address emerging security risks and vulnerabilities. The platform also employs robust firewalls and intrusion detection systems to thwart unauthorized access. While security is a primary concern for Webflow, website owners must also secure their accounts by enabling two-factor authentication and strong passwords. 

By incorporating these security measures, Webflow ensures that the websites hosted on its platform are secure and protected against potential threats.

Breakdown Of Webflow Security

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SSL Certification: Secure Your Website with HTTPS

Webflow offers free SSL certification for all hosted websites, ensuring data encryption and security. This is renewed automatically, with Let's Encrypt providing over 300 million users worldwide. A valid SSL certificate showcases "HTTPS" and a "Lock" icon in the URL.

SOC 2 Compliance: Protecting Your Data with Strick Procedures

Webflow complies with SOC 2 standards, ensuring a secure environment for user data. This auditing system, established by the AICPA, mandates adherence to stringent data protection and security procedures.

AWS: Leveraging Amazon's Stringent Security Measures

Powered by AWS, Webflow benefits from Amazon's robust security measures. Tools like Amazon Inspector and Macie help detect threats and safeguard cloud data, bolstering the platform's overall security.

DDoS Protection: Defense Against Malicious Attacks

Webflow provides DDoS protection to fend off Distributed Denial of Service attacks, which flood servers with fake traffic. This defense mechanism filters out suspicious requests, ensuring website availability and performance.

Plugins and Integrations: Minimizing Security Risks

Webflow minimizes security risks by offering built-in functions that reduce reliance on third-party plugins. Mandatory integrations with trusted names like Stripe, PayPal, and Mailchimp ensure secure payments and data management.

Everything Else You Need To Know About Webflow Security

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Webflow Hosting

Webflow Hosting is a robust and secure solution that ensures your website's safety. Powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), the fastest and most scalable hosting technology available, Webflow Hosting guarantees top-notch performance and reliability. Amazon first introduced AWS to support its online retail infrastructure, and since then, the service has expanded to cater to businesses of all sizes across 190 countries. If AWS can handle the online needs of the world's largest e-commerce company, it can manage your website without a hitch.

In addition to AWS, Webflow utilizes Fastly, the fastest and most reliable serverless compute platform, to support its web infrastructure. This partnership ensures that websites hosted on Webflow are lightning-fast and smooth, regardless of size or complexity. Fastly is touted as the world's fastest CDN, reducing average response time from the industry-standard 50 milliseconds to 10 milliseconds. Moreover, Webflow supports HTTP/2, a significant upgrade from the traditional HTTP, enabling multiple responses in a single connection and significantly reducing load times.

Webflow Data Sites

Webflow boasts over 100 data centers and servers that operate 24/7 globally, catering to customers worldwide. These servers are spread across 27 geographical regions and over 87 availability zones, covering all major continents. As Webflow gains thousands of new customers daily, additional servers are continually deployed to avoid network congestion and maintain operational efficiency.

Webflow Data Storage

The integrity and security of your data are paramount to Webflow. The platform stores customer data in the US and implements data storage plans in Europe. To ensure compliance with CCPA and GDPR, Webflow encrypts stored data, protecting Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and other confidential data from potential cyber threats. In-transit data exchange is secured using Transport Layer Security (TLS), safeguarding data integrity. 

Customers can request access to or deletion of their data under Webflow's terms and conditions, adhering to CCPA or GDPR guidelines. Third-party service providers engaged by Webflow have limited access to customer data, each operating under its privacy policy. Internal access to customer data is restricted to designated employees who require it to perform their duties, such as the support team.

You still have options if you’re located outside of the US and have legal requirements to host your data within your home country. You could create an app that plugs directly into your Webflow website and sends data back to a server in your preferred country. Or, you could bounce users to another landing page hosted outside of Webflow. 

As for a more permanent solution, there is a wishlist item for ‘Country/Regional Data Hosting with Webflow.’ We could see this feature shortly, but as of November 2022, there is no update on the timeline for rolling it out.


Webflow offers free backups for all websites, irrespective of the chosen plan. While scheduled backups are not provided, automatic backups are created with every 10th autosave. There is no limit to the number of backups offered, and they are easily restorable with just a few clicks. Furthermore, you can preview each backup before restoration to ensure accuracy and avoid loading the wrong version. Users also have the flexibility to create backups for added assurance manually.

Uptime and Customer Service

Webflow's server uptime is an impressive 99.99%, with any downtime issues typically resolved within 30 minutes. The support team is available around the clock to assist customers with server-related emergencies. During website downtime, users can check server status on IsItDownRightNow or reach out to Webflow's responsive customer support team. Webflow's support services extend to all customers and are available through direct live calling for Webflow Enterprise customers from Monday to Friday.

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Best Practices To Keep Your Webflow Website Secure

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1. Secure from DDoS attacks

To protect your Webflow website from DDoS attacks, deploy protective hardware and software like firewalls and load balancers. These tools supervise and manage website traffic, filtering out suspicious activity such as multiple access attempts from a single IP or irregular page navigation patterns to safeguard your website.

2. Prevent spam

Spam content can negatively impact your website's ranking on search engine results pages and pose security risks. Integrate CAPTCHA challenges and honeypots to detect spam bots and protect your website from malicious traffic effectively.

3. Regularly update the website

Keeping your website updated is crucial in preventing cyberattacks. Regularly update your content management systems (CMS) and themes to maintain security. Monitor your site's performance and conduct routine security checks for optimal protection.

4. Backup website data

To prevent data loss and the breach of confidential information, ensure that your Webflow website is automatically backed up. By naming each backup, you can quickly locate and retrieve the necessary data in case of an attack.

5. Restrict administrative privileges

Limiting the number of individuals with administrative privileges simplifies monitoring modifications made to the website. Utilize Webflow's per-page password protection feature to control the access granted to various team members effectively.

6. Install Content Security Policies

Content security policies (CSPs) filter out hazardous scripts and malicious websites, protecting your website and browsers from cross-site scripting and ensuring that servers only execute secure code.

7. Implement protection against brute force attacks

Guard your website against brute force attacks by creating strong passwords, implementing CAPTCHA tests, and adding two-factor authentication. An extra layer of protection can help safeguard your website against malicious access attempts.

8. Implement Web Application Firewall (WAF)

A Web Application Firewall (WAF) protects websites from threats that compromise security or consume excessive resources. A WAF effectively secures websites from malicious DDoS attacks by monitoring HTTP(S) requests forwarded to protected web application resources.

9. Implement parameterized queries

SQL injections are a standard attack on websites. Implement parameterized queries to interpret user inputs as data rather than executable code, reducing the likelihood of servers running unintended commands and detecting suspicious activity in advance.

10. Prepare a recovery plan

A recovery plan outlines a systematic approach to get your website back online in case of a cyberattack. Identifying vulnerabilities and updating systems are crucial steps to ensure the safety of your website.

11. Work with a Good Webflow Agency

Teaming up with a Webflow agency like NUMI can significantly bolster your website's security. Agencies bring expertise in implementing best security practices, conducting thorough audits to identify vulnerabilities, and ensuring that your site complies with the latest security standards. By leveraging their knowledge and experience, you can rest assured that your Webflow site is well-protected against potential threats.

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Subscribe To A Guild of World Class Webflow Developers with Our Webflow Development Agency Today

NUMI is a leading webflow development agency that stands out from the competition regarding SEO. Our team of Webflow developers and product designers is genuinely world-class, and Y Combinator, a prestigious startup accelerator, backs us. With NUMI, you can trust that your startup's design needs are in good hands. 

We have you covered from product design to web design, Framer development to Webflow development, and mobile design to prototyping. Our team of experienced designers is ready to embed themselves in your team and deliver exceptional results. So, why settle for less when you can work with the best? Schedule a call with NUMI today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your SEO goals.

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