The Ultimate Guide To Using Webflow Content Management System

Learn how to harness Webflow’s Content Management System with this ultimate guide, practical advice and creative ideas.

The Ultimate Guide To Using Webflow Content Management System

You're not alone if you've ever stressed over the SEO of a website. Most website owners want to boost their organic traffic to increase conversion rates. Yet, many get overwhelmed when they learn about different search engine optimization techniques and how to implement them. Webflow SEO is pretty straightforward. Webflow's content management system (CMS) lets users create custom content structures that bolster SEO. The more you customize your content, the better your chances of ranking higher on search engine results pages. This article will walk you through everything you need about Webflow's content management system to help you succeed in SEO. We'll cover what it is, how it works, and why it matters. You'll also learn how to optimize your content with this Webflow SEO tool to improve your site's performance.  

Webflow's content management system is invaluable for customizing and organizing your website's content to improve search engine optimization (SEO). NUMI's team of Webflow developers can help you understand this powerful tool and integrate it into your site for optimal performance.

What Is A Content Management System (CMS)?

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A Content Management System (CMS) is a software platform that enables users, regardless of technical expertise, to create, manage, and modify content on a website without specialized technical knowledge. A CMS provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies website content management, allowing individuals and businesses to maintain their websites easily. 

This can include anything from adding or editing text and images to updating product catalogs and publishing blog posts. By abstracting the technology and coding required to build web pages, a CMS empowers more people to contribute to and control online content, democratizing the web publishing process.   

Benefits of Dynamic Content in CMS

A CMS (content management system) is where you store and manage dynamic content on your site. You can reference dynamic content (i.e., content that changes) in your site design. When you or a teammate creates or changes content in the CMS, it instantly updates on all the pages where it’s referenced. 

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Why You Need A CMS

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Any website, regardless of its purpose or industry, relies on digital content to attract visitors and achieve goals. For example, a business website uses content to:

  • Improve SEO
  • Inform site visitors about products or services
  • Convert leads. A CMS helps organize and manage all the text, images, and videos to ensure the site runs smoothly. 

A CMS Helps Teams Build Websites Faster 

A CMS streamlines the web-building workflow by standardizing and managing templated pages in one place. As a result, teams using a CMS can build quickly and efficiently. Visual-first systems allow non-technical users to design sites, reducing the reliance on developers and saving on labor costs. 

A CMS Lets You Set User Roles and Permissions 

Platforms like Webflow allow for multiple workspaces or different types of logins, each with specific permissions. Different user roles, like editor, author, or administrator, let you introduce collaborators to your website-building process while keeping them from seeing sensitive information. 

Sharing login access lets copywriters or editors change the text on the website directly. Limiting permissions and capabilities can prevent team members from inadvertently corrupting your page design.

4 Common Types Of CMSs

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1. Visual-First CMS: The Best Choice for Most Users

Visual-first content management systems (CMS) are perfect for users who want a simple way to create and manage content on their websites without coding or understanding how websites are built. The user-friendly interfaces of visual-first CMS platforms are often compared to popular design software. 

They enable you to drag and drop elements to build your site visually, so you never have to worry about the underlying code. This makes it easy to create a professional-looking website or blog without the help of a developer. Visual-first CMS platforms also have flexible APIs that allow you to create dynamic content if needed. Plus, because they're cloud-based, they handle maintenance and updates for you.

2. Open-Source CMS: The Best Choice for Developers

Open-source CMS platforms give users complete freedom to customize their sites. With these systems, you can access the underlying code and modify your site however you want. This makes open-source CMS platforms highly flexible and customizable for users who have technical skills., Joomla, and Drupal are the most popular examples of open-source CMS. These platforms also have extensive libraries of plugins and themes, so you can further extend the functionality of your site and change its appearance. The downside of open-source CMS platforms is that you must independently manage maintenance and security. This often means updating the core system and any plugins or themes you use.

3. Headless CMS: The Best Choice for Developers Who Need Flexibility

A headless CMS separates the back end (where you manage content) from the front end (what your users see). With a traditional CMS, the two are inherently linked. 

When you create a blog post on a standard CMS like WordPress, the code for that post goes to an existing template that controls how it will appear to visitors. While you can customize the template, there is no separating it from the display of your content.

Advantages of Headless CMS for Multichannel Distribution

With a headless CMS, there is no predefined front end. You manage content in the back end, which can be delivered to any front end, whether a website, mobile app, or digital kiosk. This is particularly useful for businesses that distribute content across multiple platforms. 

For example, an eCommerce company can manage all its product listings in one place and then simultaneously push that content to its website, social media, and mobile app. Because you’re separating content management from content delivery, you’ll need technical resources to build and maintain those custom front ends. Headless CMSs, like:

  • Contentful
  • Jamstack
  • Adobe Commerce
  • Strapi (also open-source)

4. Digital Experience Platforms (DXPs): The Best Choice for Large Enterprises

If you're running a significant operation with complex content needs, consider a digital experience platform (DXP). Think of a DXP as a supercharged CMS. It doesn’t just manage content; it’s a complete suite of tools designed to handle your entire digital presence. This includes:

  • Content management
  • eCommerce
  • Customer personalization
  • Even analytics

DXPs are particularly powerful for enterprises that manage vast amounts of content across multiple platforms. 

For example:

  • Adobe Experience Manager
  • Sitecore
  • Acquia
  • HubSpot 

These DXPs offer robust solutions for managing everything from a single website to a network of digital touchpoints. They’re like the Swiss Army knives of CMSs, offering a tool for every possible content need. With that power comes complexity and a higher price tag.

Understanding Webflow's Content Management System And How It Works

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There are many popular CMSs, and they all shine in different areas. While some examples are website generators with CMS capabilities rather than fully functional CMS platforms, they all allow you to build and manage your website much more efficiently than if you were coding it from scratch.

Understanding the Differences

The first major distinction between CMSs is whether they’re cloud-based or on-premise. A cloud-based CMS like Webflow relies on vendors hosting the software, which is accessible via the web. The advantage of a cloud-based CMS is that it automatically updates and eliminates the need for manual maintenance. Suppose you opt to use an on-premise system. 

Benefits and Challenges

In that case, you may need to regularly migrate your sites to updated software versions due to security enhancements, feature improvements, and compatibility requirements. This process is a large and expensive undertaking, which is why automated systems appeal to many organizations. 

Key Features of Webflow CMS Plan

The Webflow CMS gives you complete control over your content structure and how content is designed throughout your site. The CMS plan is $23 if billed yearly ($29 if billed monthly). 

This plan is designed to accommodate the needs of blogs, portfolios, and other content-driven websites, providing a powerful suite of content creation and management features. Key inclusions in the Webflow CMS plan are:

  • Full access to the Webflow Designer, allowing for custom designs without the need to write code.
  • Hosting for up to 100,000 monthly visits, ensuring your site can handle significant traffic without compromising on performance.
  • The ability to publish 2,000 CMS items, catering to sites with extensive portfolios or regularly updated content.
  • Support for up to 3 content editors, making it easier for teams to collaborate on content creation and site updates.
  • Integration with Webflow’s Editor, offering a user-friendly interface for editing and updating content live on the site.
  • SSL certification, providing a secure connection for your site visitors.
  • 50 GB of CDN bandwidth for fast loading times around the globe.

This plan is well-suited for content creators, bloggers, and small businesses seeking a comprehensive, easy-to-use system for managing their digital presence.

Using Webflow's Content Management System (CMS) is straightforward and empowers you to manage and publish dynamic content effortlessly. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get started and make the most of Webflow CMS. 

How to Get Started with Webflow's CMS

man using a laptop - Webflow Content Management

Using Webflow's Content Management System (CMS) is straightforward and empowers you to manage and publish dynamic content effortlessly. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get started and make the most of Webflow CMS.

Signing Up to a Webflow Plan 

You need to create a Webflow account. Head to the Webflow website and sign up for a plan that suits your needs. They offer various options, including a free plan to get you started. You’ll need to choose a paid plan to access CMS features.

Create a CMS Collection

Once you’re logged in and have a project set up, it’s time to create your CMS collection. Navigate to the CMS tab in the Webflow interface. Click on Collections and select Add Collection. Give your collection a name that reflects its purpose, like Blog Posts or Portfolio Items. Click Create Collection to finalize it.

Adding Data to That Collection

Now that your collection is created, you can start adding data. Open your newly created collection and click on Add Field. Choose the type of field you want to add, like:

  • Plain Text
  • Rich Text
  • Image
  • Etc

And name it appropriately. Fill in the data for each field you’ve created and save your entries. You can add multiple items to your collection, each with its own data set.

Styling a Static Page

You’ll want to design a static page that will serve as a template for displaying your CMS content. Go to the Designer view. Use the drag-and-drop interface to add:

  • Text
  • Images
  • Buttons

Style these elements as desired using Webflow’s styling tools.

Connecting That CMS Information

To connect your CMS data to the static page, you’ll use a Collection List or Collection Page. Drag a Collection List element onto your page. 

Select the collection you want to display. Customize how each item looks by adding elements inside the Collection List, linking them to the fields from your CMS.

Styling an Individual CMS Page

If you want to create a dedicated page for each item in your collection (like individual blog posts), follow these steps: 

  • Create a Collection Page by selecting your collection in the CMS tab.
  • Design the layout for this page, adding elements that pull in data from your CMS fields.
  • Style it according to your brand, ensuring each item’s unique content is displayed correctly.

On-Page SEO and Checks

SEO is crucial for visibility, so take advantage of Webflow’s built-in SEO features. In the SEO settings, define meta titles and descriptions for each collection item. Use alt tags for images to improve accessibility and SEO. Check that your URLs are clean and relevant.

Hitting Publish

Once you’re satisfied with your design and content, it’s time to go live! Click the Publish button in the upper right corner of the Webflow interface. Choose your domain (or use the free Webflow subdomain). After publishing, your site is live, and any changes made in the CMS will automatically update.

Related Reading

14 Best Features Of Webflow’s Content Management System

man working on a laptop - Webflow Content Management

1. Webflow CMS - A Quick Overview

Webflow’s Content Management System takes the number one spot for SEO-friendly website building. Here’s why. 

2. Webflow CMS Features

Webflow CMS comes with tonnes of useful features that are well worth knowing about. 


The Webflow CMS REST API is open for business! Now, you can add, update, and delete items from Collections programmatically right from your terminal. 

4. Create CMS items with Zapier

Now, you can push content from your favorite apps to Webflow CMS via Zapier without writing code. 

5. Dynamic SEO and Open Graph (OG) settings

Forget writing meta titles and descriptions for every one of your blog posts. With Webflow, you just create a template for your SEO tags to follow, and we'll automatically generate:

6. Dynamic content filtering and sorting

Easily filter dynamic content to display featured content or all blog posts on a particular topic. Or use sorting to display content from a specific date range, by alpha, and more. 

7. Dynamic content templates

When you create a Collection, Webflow automatically generates a template page so you can design how that content displays. Then, that template gets applied to every item in the Collection, letting you create hundreds or even thousands of pages at once. 

8. Easier collaboration with clients

Add your client as a content editor so they can update text and images while you work on the design. 

9. Export CMS content as a CSV

Now you can export your CMS Collections as CSVs to move content between sites or if you must, between platforms. 

10. Form submissions in the Editor

If you have Webflow CMS hosting, you, your clients, and other Collaborators can now review incoming submissions from your website's forms right inside the Editor panel, plus download the whole list in a handy CSV file. 

11. Fully customizable content structures

Webflow CMS gives you the power to define your content and its structure however you'd like, with over a dozen field types. 

12. Intuitive website editor for clients and teams

With Webflow CMS, there's no need to learn a complex backend. Just open your website, log in to the CMS, and update text and images on the live website. 

13. Paginate Collection Lists

Now, you can paginate collection lists, control how many items are displayed per page, and style your previous and next buttons. 

14. Powerful related content tools

Easily create related post modules for your blog, guide users through in-depth tutorials, surface-related help content, and documentation, and build modular pages highlighting content from across your site. 

15. RSS feeds for CMS Collections

Create an RSS 2.0 feed for any of your dynamic content Collections so people can subscribe to your content via reader apps like Feedly. You can also automate your email newsletter via MailChimp or set up RSS zaps with Zapier using your RSS feed URL.

Why Use Webflow’s CMS

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Design Flexibility: Limitless Creative Potential 

One of the biggest perks of using Webflow’s CMS is the sheer design flexibility it offers. Whether you're a seasoned designer or just starting, Webflow lets you create visually stunning sites with its intuitive drag-and-drop interface. 

You’re not stuck with templates everyone else uses, you can fully customize your site to reflect your unique vision. It’s like having a blank canvas where you can unleash your creativity without limitations.

Intuitive Content Management: User-Friendly Tools For Teams 

Managing content on Webflow is a breeze. Their CMS is designed to be user-friendly, allowing you to easily update content, add new pages, or tweak existing ones without touching a single line of code. This is especially handy for teams, as it allows content creators to make changes on the fly without needing a developer to step in.

Dynamic Capabilities: Bring Your Website to Life 

Webflow’s dynamic content features take things to the next level. You can create dynamic pages that pull in content from a database, making it perfect for:

  • Blogs
  • Portfolios
  • eCommerce sites and more

This means you can manage your content centrally and display it in various ways across your site, keeping everything consistent and up-to-date.

Collaboration Features: Streamlined Workflows for Teams 

Collaboration is seamless with Webflow. You can invite team members to work on the site together, assign different roles, and ensure everyone’s on the same page. 

This makes it a fantastic choice for agencies or teams working on larger projects, as you can streamline workflows and get things done more efficiently.

SEO Integration: Built-In Tools to Boost Your Rankings 

SEO is crucial for noticing your website, and Webflow has you covered. The platform integrates powerful SEO tools into the CMS to optimize your site for search engines as you build it. From meta descriptions to alt text for images, Webflow makes it easy to ensure your site ranks well in search results.

Responsive Design: Mobile-Friendly by Default 

In today’s world, having a mobile-friendly website isn’t optional, it’s essential. Thanks to its responsive design capabilities, Webflow’s CMS automatically ensures that your site looks great on any device. Whether someone is visiting your site on a:

  • Desktop
  • Tablet
  • Smartphone

You can be confident it will look good across the board.

Robust Security: Safety You Can Count On 

Security is a top priority with Webflow. They handle all the hosting and maintenance, so you don’t have to worry about:

  • Security patches
  • Updates
  • Potential vulnerabilities

Your site is hosted on a reliable infrastructure that includes SSL certificates and backups, keeping everything safe and secure.

Time-Saving Templates: Get Started Quickly 

Webflow comes with a range of time-saving templates to use as a starting point for your projects. These aren’t just your average templates, they’re beautifully designed and fully customizable, so you can tweak them to fit your brand perfectly. This can be a huge time-saver, especially under tight deadlines.

Seamless Migration: Move to Webflow with Ease 

If you’re moving an existing site to Webflow, the migration process is smooth and straightforward. Webflow provides tools and support to help you transfer your content, ensuring your transition is seamless. You can use Webflow’s CMS without losing your previous work.

Ongoing Support and Resources: Help Is Always Available 

Webflow doesn’t just leave you hanging once you start using their CMS. They offer comprehensive tutorials, an extensive knowledge base, and a community of users who share tips and tricks. Whether you’re looking to solve a specific problem or just want to learn something new, Webflow has the resources to help you.

Upcoming Features: Constantly Improving 

Webflow is constantly evolving, with new features and improvements rolling out regularly. Whether it’s new design elements, integrations, or performance enhancements, you can count on Webflow to keep up with the latest web design trends and ensure your site stays ahead of the curve.

Numi For Startup Design Solutions

NUMI is a webflow development agency that world-class webflow developers and product designers power. Backed by Y Combinator, NUMI handles all of your startup's sourcing/vetting/hiring needs for design. Our fabulous design team ensures all your design work is done well. 

NUMI helps with:

  • Product design
  • Web design
  • Framer development
  • Webflow development
  • Mobile design
  • Prototyping
  • UX design
  • All of your startup's design needs

Expert Design Team

Subscribe to a guild of world-class designers ready to embed on your team today. Schedule a call with us today to learn more!

Is Webflow CMS Good for SEO?

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Webflow CMS Is Ready for Mobile-First Indexing

Webflow's Content Management System (CMS) is an excellent option if you're looking to boost your site's Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It's not just about creating beautiful websites; it's about making sure they get noticed by the right audience and that's where SEO comes in. 

Webflow is built with modern web standards, ensuring your site is mobile-responsive right out of the gate. This is huge because Google uses mobile-first indexing, which means it primarily looks at the mobile version of your site to determine your rankings. With Webflow, you don’t have to worry about your site looking great on desktop but falling short on mobile, everything is designed to be responsive, which helps keep you in Google’s good graces.

Flexible SEO Settings to Help You Manage Optimization

What makes Webflow stand out in the SEO game is its intuitive SEO settings built right into the platform. You don’t need to dig through code to optimize your site. Webflow lets you easily set up meta titles, descriptions, and Open Graph settings. 

This control over how your content appears in search results and on social platforms is a big plus, making it easy to manage your SEO efforts directly within the CMS.

Clean Code Output Helps Search Engines Crawl Your Site

Another advantage is Webflow’s clean code output. When your website's code is clean and efficient, search engines like Google can crawl and index your content more effectively. This means your site is more likely to be properly understood and ranked by search engines, which can lead to better visibility and higher search rankings.

Semantic HTML Elements Help Search Engines Understand Your Site

Webflow also supports semantic HTML elements, which are essential for helping search engines understand your site's structure and content. By using these elements, Webflow makes it easier for search engines to interpret what your site is about, improving your chances of ranking well for relevant keywords.

Flexibility for Custom Code

While Webflow offers robust built-in SEO features, it also gives you the flexibility to add custom code if you need more advanced optimizations. This flexibility ensures you can fine-tune your site’s SEO to meet your specific needs without being limited by the platform.

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FAQs On Webflow Content Management System

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Webflow's Content Management System: The Basics 

Does Webflow have a content management system? Yes, Webflow has a robust content management system. It allows users to create, manage, and publish dynamic content easily. 

The CMS is designed to handle various types of content through a straightforward structure of collections and fields, enabling users to define how their content is organized and displayed across their websites. 

Do I Need the CMS in Webflow? 

Whether you need the CMS in Webflow depends on your project requirements. The CMS is highly beneficial if you're creating a site with dynamic content, like:

  • Blogs
  • Portfolios
  • Product listings

It simplifies updating content, as changes made in the CMS automatically reflect across all relevant pages. If your site is static and doesn't require frequent updates, you might not need to use the CMS features. 

Is Webflow's CMS Worth It? 

Webflow's CMS is generally considered worth it, especially for users who want to manage content without coding. It offers a visual-first approach, allowing marketers and designers to create and edit content directly on the site. This flexibility can save time and streamline workflows, making it a valuable tool for businesses looking to enhance their online presence.  The CMS includes built-in SEO tools, which can help improve site visibility. 

Is Webflow's CMS Free? 

Webflow does not offer a free version of its CMS. While you can start with a free plan to build and design your site, you will need to subscribe to one of their paid plans to access CMS features. These plans provide various levels of functionality, including the ability to create collections and manage dynamic content. Pricing details can be found on Webflow's website, which outlines the features included in each plan. 

Subscribe To A Guild of World Class Webflow Developers with Our Webflow Development Agency Today

NUMI is a remarkable webflow development agency that builds stunning and high-performing websites using Webflow. With a fabulous design team backed by Y Combinator, we help startups with their webflow design needs.

Webflow boasts powerful built-in SEO tools to help your site rank higher on search engine results pages. With NUMI’s SEO experts, we’ll improve your Webflow site’s optimization and performance and set up a plan for ongoing SEO success.

Subscribe to a guild of world-class designers ready to embed on your team today. Schedule a call with us today to learn more!

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