Webflow App Development (All About Building Web Apps With Webflow)

Learn about Webflow app development, from building web apps to mastering essential tools and techniques.

Webflow App Development (All About Building Web Apps With Webflow)

Webflow is a powerful platform for building websites, but it can do much more than that. With its intuitive visual editor and flexible CMS, Webflow can help you create custom web applications that both your users and search engines will love. Not only can you design your app's interface visually with little to no coding, but also gives you complete control over your app's Webflow SEO.

This means you can create an application that ranks well on search engine results pages so your target audience can find it quickly and easily. This guide will explore how to build web applications using Webflow. We'll outline the steps to take, provide tips for success, and share some helpful resources. Let's get started! 

Why Build An App

Person Using Tablet - Webflow App Development

Building an app offers a powerful way to enhance your business beyond just having an online presence. It is a long-term tool for enhancing customer retention and loyalty, allowing you to build a dedicated audience and generate valuable customer referrals. For businesses looking to streamline operations, a web-based app can smoothly integrate with your existing processes, making daily tasks more efficient and improving overall service delivery. 

Marketing Opportunities that Come With an App 

From a marketing perspective, an app creates a direct channel for your customers, enabling you to quickly push special offers, promotions, and deals to their fingertips. This direct connection fosters deeper engagement and helps keep your brand top-of-mind. 

Customer Personalization Features 

Additionally, apps make it easier to personalize interactions by collecting and analyzing user data, allowing you to target individual customers with tailored content and offers. This boosts brand awareness and enhances customer satisfaction by meeting their specific needs. 

Competitive Advantages of Having an App 

Most importantly, having an app can set your business apart from the competition, especially if others in your industry have yet to develop one. By offering a more convenient and personalized experience, your app can help you build stronger customer loyalty and attract new clients, giving you a competitive edge in the market. In essence, if building an app can improve customer loyalty and drive growth, it’s a worthwhile investment for your business. 

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App vs Website

Person Using Mobile and Laptop - Webflow App Development

Websites Are Straightforward and Accessible

Websites, regardless of their complexity, from simple one-pagers to extensive eCommerce platforms, are generally more straightforward to build. Tools like Webflow have made the process even easier, allowing you to create and customize your site quickly and efficiently. Websites are accessible on any device with a browser, making them universally available.

They're ideal for providing information, showcasing products, or creating an online presence that users can easily find through search engines. Webflow and similar platforms excel in content management, offering various tools to add and organize content, whether text, images, or products. They are also great for SEO, ensuring your website ranks well in search results.

Apps Are Complex and Interactive

Building an app, particularly one with sophisticated functionalities, is more complex than website development. While Webflow has started incorporating features to support web app creation, it still has limitations when building fully-featured apps with complex logic or extensive databases. Apps often provide more interactive and personalized experiences compared to websites. They can access device-specific features like push notifications, cameras, and GPS, offering a more immersive user experience.

Managing and integrating data within an app can be more challenging, especially if you need to handle complex data sets or require advanced functionality. While Webflow allows for some data integration, building more intricate applications might require additional tools or platforms explicitly designed for app development. Similar to website creation, you can kickstart the app development process using templates. However, customizing these templates to fit more complex needs requires additional coding knowledge or specialized tools.

If your primary goal is to create a digital presence that is easy to access and manage, a website is the way to go. However, if you're looking to offer a more interactive, personalized experience with advanced features, building an app might be more suitable—though it may require more effort and resources. 

NUMI: A World-Class Webflow Development Agency

NUMI is a webflow development agency powered by world-class webflow developers and product designers. Backed by Y Combinator, NUMI handles all of your startup's sourcing/vetting/hiring needs for design. Our fabuolous design team ensures all your design work is done well.

NUMI helps with product design, web design, Framer development, Webflow development, mobile design, prototyping, UX design, and all your startup's design needs! Subscribe to a guild of world-class designers ready to embed on your team today. Schedule a call with us today to learn more!

Webflow For App Development

Person Using Laptop - Webflow App Development

Webflow was initially designed for building marketing sites but is not a fully functional web app. As a result, it doesn't natively offer the logic, data management, or backend capabilities required for complex applications. While Webflow Apps have started to bridge this gap, they still don’t match the depth of functionality that dedicated app development platforms offer.

Third-Party Integrations: Solutions for Expanding Webflow's App Development Functionality

To overcome Webflow’s limitations in app development, many designers and developers turn to third-party tools. Some of the most popular integrations include:


This tool automates workflows by connecting Webflow with over 5,000 different applications. For instance, you can use Zapier to automate email notifications when a user interacts with your web app. It’s essential for adding automation without coding.


Airtable blends the features of a spreadsheet and a database, enabling the creation of custom apps with minimal code. It integrates smoothly with Webflow to provide backend data management and storage.


Ideal for apps requiring membership functionalities, Memberstack allows you to add user authentication, profiles, and paid subscriptions. It’s specifically tailored for Webflow, making it easier to integrate membership features.


Firebase offers real-time hosting and NoSQL database services, along with features like social authentication and content notifications. It’s beneficial for apps requiring real-time data updates and communication.


Outseta is a platform for membership and SaaS businesses that integrates with Webflow to facilitate subscription billing, email marketing, and help desk services. It’s often compared to Shopify for its ease of use when launching subscription-based web apps.


Security is critical for web apps, and Magic provides SDKs for various login methods, including those suitable for Web3 applications. It enhances Webflow’s security offerings, making it a valuable addition for apps requiring robust authentication.

Recent Developments in Webflow’s App Development Capabilities

Since mid-2023, Webflow has released developer tools significantly expanding its capabilities. These tools allow for deeper customization and integration of third-party apps, making building web apps on Webflow more feasible than before. The availability of around 130 highly-vetted apps from partners like Hubspot, Printful, and Memberstack has further extended Webflow's functionality, allowing users to tackle more complex projects.

To further push the limits of Webflow’s core functionality and move closer to app development, Webflow also released Webflow DevLink, which allows developers to develop custom React components visually. Once built, developers can export these React components to their apps.

You can even connect these Webflow-based components to your local development environment to use them quickly. Although DevLink is still in Open Beta from the Webflow Labs department, it’s a massive leap in the right direction for web app developers who want to use Webflow. 

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Why Use Webflow to Develop Your App

Webflow - Webflow App Development

Client-Friendly Content Management: A Major Benefit of Webflow App Development

One of the standout benefits of using Webflow to build web apps is its intuitive content management system (CMS). This feature is particularly beneficial for clients who may not have technical expertise. With Webflow's CMS, clients can easily update and manage their content, such as blogs, without relying on a developer. This self-sufficiency is a huge plus for clients, making the post-development process smoother and more cost-effective.

Cost Efficiency and Time Savings: Webflow App Development Is a Budget-Friendly Option

Webflow allows developers to streamline app-building, especially when quickly creating visually appealing and functional designs. The platform's visual builder enables developers to construct the front end of a web app without getting deeply into code, significantly reducing development time. Since many developers charge by the hour, this time efficiency translates into client cost savings, making Webflow a more attractive option for budget-conscious projects.

Rapid Prototyping: Create App Prototypes in Record Time with Webflow

Webflow is an excellent tool for quickly creating prototypes of web apps. Developers can build functional and visually compelling prototypes in a fraction of the time it would take using traditional development methods. 

This rapid prototyping is crucial for projects that require quick iterations or when stakeholders need to see a working model before committing to full-scale development. Integrating tools like Bubble or Integromat can further enhance these prototypes, adding functionality without extensive coding.

Versatile Design Capabilities: Create Custom, Unique App Designs with Webflow

Webflow offers powerful design capabilities that allow developers to create unique, customized web app interfaces. The highly flexible visual editor allows designers to craft intricate layouts and interactions that can be challenging to achieve with other no-code or low-code platforms. This flexibility ensures the web app functions well and provides an exceptional user experience.

Smooth Integration with Other Tools: Webflow Makes App Development Easier

While Webflow might not be the best choice for all web apps, it excels when combined with other tools. For example, integrating Webflow with backend services or other app development tools like Zapier or Airtable can create a more robust web app. This integration allows developers to extend a Webflow-built app's functionality without migrating to a different platform.

Ideal for MVPs and Internal Tools: Webflow Excels at Building Simple Apps

For projects that require a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) or internal business tools, Webflow is an ideal platform. Its ease of use and ability to build and iterate quickly make it perfect for creating apps that don't require extensive scaling. Developers can quickly produce a functional app that meets basic needs, test it with real users, and make improvements without significant overhead.

6 Steps For Creating A Webflow App

Laptop on Table - Webflow App Development

1. Launch Your Webflow Dashboard  

Begin your app development journey by logging into your Webflow account. Once logged in, navigate to your Webflow Dashboard. This central hub is where you'll access all the tools and settings needed for your app development.  

2. Choose the Right Workspace  

Select a dedicated workspace for your app development. This workspace acts as a sandbox environment, keeping your development process organized and separate from live projects. A clear workspace ensures that you can focus on building and testing your app without impacting live environments.  

3. Access App Development Settings  

In your chosen workspace, go to the “Settings” page. You’ll find various tabs; click on the “Integrations” tab. Scroll down until you reach the "App Development" section. This area is where you’ll manage all aspects of your Webflow apps, including existing apps and new projects.  

4. Create Your App  

Click the "Create an app" button to initiate the app creation process. You’ll be prompted to fill out a form with crucial details about your app:   


Choose a name that represents your app’s purpose.  


Provide a concise and informative summary highlighting your app's benefits and functionalities.  

Homepage URL

Enter a valid HTTPS link to a webpage with more information about your app. If necessary, this can be updated later.  


Upload an icon visually representing your app, serving as its face in the Webflow interface.  

After completing these fields, click "Next" to proceed to the next stage.  

5. Define Your App's Capabilities  

Now, it’s time to specify the features and capabilities of your app:  

Data Client Capabilities

If your app interacts with user data, configure the necessary settings, including a URI, to redirect users after authorization.  


Select the appropriate scopes for your app to function optimally. Scopes define the level of access your app has to user data and other resources. Once you’ve configured these settings, click the "Create app" button to establish the foundation of your Webflow app.  

6. Install Your Webflow App  

Installing your app on a test site within Webflow is recommended for testing and development. Follow these steps:  

  • Go back to the “Integrations” section in your site’s settings.  
  • Locate your newly created app in the "App development" section and click the “Install” button.  
  • On the authorization screen, choose the websites your app will interact with.  
  • Click the “Authorize App” button to complete the installation process.  
  • Your app will now be integrated into the "Designer Apps" section and the "Integrations" area of your workspace or site settings. 
  • You can begin testing and refining your app’s features from here, ensuring it works smoothly within the Webflow environment.

Subscribe To A Guild of World Class Webflow Developers with Our Webflow Development Agency Today

NUMI is a Webflow development agency helping startups with their design needs. Backed by the prestigious Y Combinator, NUMI is powered by world-class Webflow developers and product designers ready to help your startup attract investment and grow! NUMI handles all your startup's sourcing, vetting, and hiring needs for Webflow and design.

Their fabulous design team ensures all your design work is done well so you can focus on building your product. If you’re looking for help with product design, Webflow development, Framer development, mobile design, UX design, prototyping, or any of your startup design needs, NUMI can help. Subscribe to a guild of world-class designers ready to embed on your team today. Schedule a call with us today to learn more!

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